626 Buddies!

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626 Buddies!

Postby mfejzo » Sep 24, 2007 10:43 pm

Hi. I'm just writing to tell all of you that I am your "buddy" and I need 626 more of you to be my buddy! I lost a baby to HG in 1999 and have devoted my life to finding the cause of this horrible disease so we can end the suffering. I have a Ph.D. from Harvard in genetics and have found that HG has a strong genetic component. That means we all have a gene that is predisposing us to HG. Finding that gene will tell us what is causing this and allow us to develop better therapies that treat the disease rather than the symptoms. Please contact me at nvpstudy@usc.edu for more information or to participate.

I am deeply moved by those of you who have already contacted me from your hospital bed to participate in our study. Having suffered from HG twice, I know it is nearly impossible to motivate when getting through each day is such a struggle. I wanted to let those of you who are currently suffering know that you or a loved one can contact me at nvpstudy@usc.edu and just put in the subject line or text "HG NOW" and that way I can put your email address in our database and contact you in the future when you are feeling better to officially enroll you in the study. You do not need to be pregnant to participate.

We need 1,000 participants who have had HG treated with iv or tpn or feeding tube to discover the biological cause and hopefully cure for HG and we currently have 374 participants. Each one of you is needed to help bring us that much closer to the cause and cure! This is one of the best ways we can all help each other. Please think about making a difference and contact me.


Marlena nvpstudy@usc.edu
Been There Done That
Posts: 107
Joined: Sep 20, 2005 12:22 am

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