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Have any of you use Lilypadz?

PostPosted: Mar 26, 2005 9:04 am
by CathC
I am a big-time leaker the whole time I nurse. I also experience a lot of soreness and pain at the beginning. With my third it was really horrible, as he had a small latch and I got mastitis, etc, etc.

Anyway, I just bought a pair of lilypadz and was wondering if anyone had tried them and if they worked for them. I am hoping they will do all they promise and keep my dry!


PostPosted: Mar 26, 2005 12:11 pm
by meg

I leak terribly, too. What are Lilypadz? What do they promise? I want to hear more.

PostPosted: Mar 26, 2005 12:32 pm
by emily
Hi Cathy,

From what I have heard on other message boards, they either seem to work well for some and not well for others... I am definitely going to try them!


PostPosted: Mar 26, 2005 8:20 pm
by CathC
Hi Meg,

Emily gave you the website so you can see what they are and read up on them. Not only do I like the idea of them being usable all the time and stopping the leakage completely (instead of just sopping it up and keeping the area moist), but they are super thin and won't show through the nursing bras! I already tried one on and they are very comfortable and stick well. Oh, I also love the idea of not having to wear a nursing bra to bed at night!!

Here's hoping they work!

Oh, and I purchased mine at my local Motherhood store because they were the same price as online, but I didn't have to pay shipping.

I hear all the LCs are recommending them now...


PostPosted: Mar 27, 2005 7:14 pm
by meg
Emily, thanks for the link.

Cathy, thanks for the idea and the additional info. This sounds wonderful!

PostPosted: Mar 29, 2005 9:31 am
by Juliette Punchello
I use the Gerber Heavy Flow nursing pads. They work great (I never feel wet and neither do I leak through). THey are like maxi pads with a core that contains all the leaks. The other nursing pads I tried didn't work...they just got wet all the way through and then so did I.

PostPosted: Jun 08, 2005 7:15 pm
by HGx3
Bumping to see if anyone has tried these yet, and what they think about them.......

PostPosted: Jun 08, 2005 9:08 pm
by emily
My cousin picked some up last week at the mall while we were shopping. I haven't checked back with her yet to see. We got them out and looked at them and such and they looked cool. The idea of being able to wear them without a bra is soooo appealing! I got tired of wearing a bra to bed all of the time and usually just put a towel under me to catch leaks those first few months. Anyhow, I will call her tomorrow and see how they are working for her.

PostPosted: Jun 09, 2005 10:28 am
by CathC
My early review...

Yes, the Lilypadz work, but I don't know if that is always a good thing!

They do inhibit leakage very well. I was able to wear them at night without a bra (very helpful when I had mastitis on the far left side where the seam of my bra sits.) The only time I would get a slight bit of leakage under the silicone was when I was very overfull and nursed the opposite side.

I didn't use them while my milk came in, because I didn't want to inhibit the flow during that time. I also would take both pads off at night in order to let the other side "drain off" excess milk while I nursed. I did have a problem one night though. This may not be an issue for others. It probably depends on your flow and how often your baby nurses (and how "regularly".) Micah nursed and nursed and nursed one evening. Then he went four hours and then three hours in between feedings that night. I woke up with the entire left side and underside of my left breast full of clogged milk ducts. My goodness - I was in SO much pain. I had already had mastitis crop up in the same area and was already on Augmentin, so my only concern was to get it all drained and feeling better, which took all day! I think what happened was all the nursing Micah did before bedtime told my body to make all this milk and then I put the Lilypadz on and my breast was not able to drain off the excess when Micah went for such long periods of not nursing. My right side was fine, so I do have a tendency to have problems with the area that clogged (had mastitis there last baby, too.)

So, they work very well. I would recommend them. I would NOT recommend using them the first few weeks though while establishing your milk supply. Personally, I have stopped using them until Micah gets on a more regular nursing schedule. I don't schedule my babies - I let them find their own schedule which takes a few weeks. Once he's regular, I will start wearing them again during the day when I can easily monitor if I am getting overfull. I will have to wait and see about the nights. If he's going to be such a good sleeper, I may always need to drain a bit a night to prevent clogged ducts and mastitis. That's okay! I'd rather sleep for longer periods with a nursing bra on than shorter ones without!

Okay, well there's my early review!


PostPosted: Jun 09, 2005 11:09 am
by HGx3
Thanks Cathy.