Please help us

The HER foundation contributed letters from our forums members for a show that featured Hyperemesis as a topic. The show aired in April of 2007.

Moderator: annmarie

Please help us

Postby helpme1277 » Feb 24, 2007 8:21 pm

I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear that you were going to do a segment on your show about H.G. I watch your show alot and I know that you are interested in helping others so I urge you and I am asking you to Please be our voice. Please help us make people understand that Hypermesis Gravidarum is a life threatening disease, and it not only affects you if affects you family members as well. It is not morning sickness and cannot be cured with crackers and ginger ale. I am currently 17 weeks pregnant and H.G. has ruined my life. It has taken away my spirit and diminished my will to live. Right now I can honestly tell you I am hanging on by a thread. If it wasnt for the support I have received from the women on this site and the fact that I finally found a obgyn who had some experience dealing with HG, I would have terminated long ago and probably ended my marriage in the process. I have been in and out of the hospital 12 times between december 2006 and january 2007. My husband has done everything in his power to help me to no avail. I have been on several medications and none of them were 100%. I have lost ALL of my hair. If you saw me you would think I was a cancer patient. I was unable to eat or drink for almost four months. I could not shower without the help of my husband. I couldnt even get out of my bed for months. Imagine if you were in that prediciment. Imagine you could not eat or drink for four entire months. Imagine the only hydration your body could handle was from I.V.'S at the hospital. If it was you would you want to live? Everyday living is a struggle. I am suffering as are so many women on this site. There are days when I contemplate suicide. There are days when I just want to give up. I am 29 years old and I have had four terminations within the last four years due to H.G. Not because I wanted to abort my children, but because I was afraid for my life. It almost ruined my marriage because like so many others who are blind to the facts my husband still doesnt completely understand. He also thinks it is a bad case of morning sickness. Dr. Phil please help all of the women out there who are struggling with this disease. Please be a voice. Help us educate the physicians, pharmacutical companies, and scientists. Help us so that we may someday have an answer to our prayers. We are enduring unbearable suffering. All of this because we want to bring children into the world. It is so unfair, and it hurts. It hurts in ways I cannot explain through words. If you have spare time please log on to and go to the first trimester forum. When you get there read some of the blogs. They will help you to understand. Thank you for you time and all of the help you can provide. Believe me we are ALL very grateful. Anything you can say or do will be greatly appreciated.

Nicole Richardson

Opinionated HGer
Posts: 525
Joined: Dec 13, 2006 12:49 pm

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