Angelina was worth every painful second of HG

The HER foundation contributed letters from our forums members for a show that featured Hyperemesis as a topic. The show aired in April of 2007.

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Angelina was worth every painful second of HG

Postby -samanthakay- » Mar 09, 2007 12:29 pm

Doctor Phil,

Thank you for making a show about us girls! My story is still very fresh for me and my family. Angelina was born March 3rd 2007.

I have been with child four times before my little girl was born. I got very sick three times and had been told to stop with the baby by doctors. I followed their orders.
With my 4th I did not get sick at all but lost it to MC at 9 weeks. So when my loving man and I wanted to have a baby I told him about my past and said now if I do try you must understand that unlike his xwife I would get real bad morring sickness. Since I had in the past. I did not know about HG I just knew how sick I have been. No clue how long it would last or if I would even 100% get sick this time. He said he could deal with some morring sickness and we tried to get preggo.

Durring this time we moved from Pennsylvania to Alabama for his job. About a week into moving I started to feel bad in the morrings. The 3rd day of feeling bad came the first puke. I was like ohh man I am preggo I have to be. So I got a test it said I was not. "Humm too soon??" I thought "Yes" about 4 days latter I took a second test and was positive.
I called him in and said look what you did to me LOL. We both had a good giggle about it. The first two weeks I puked maybe three or so times a day. I did not mind it. I would cook for my two stepsons and run to the bathroom and puke. Thinking I can handle this. At this time I could handle keeping down water and crackers. Played the game of trying toast in the morrings and 7up. Still sick but happy about my baby.
Now I am three weeks preggo and Steve's work needs to send him to a training school in TX for two weeks. Normal thing with his job to have to go to schools off and on. I packed his bag and sent him off with a kiss. Now the real HG hell kicks in for me. Now water 7up and toast is not working. Heck if I put water on my toung I would puke. By day two of him being in school I was stuck in bed. I would drag myself to the kitchen with the trash bucket draging behind me. I would set on a bar stool and puke into the trash as I cooked for my 5 and 8 year olds. I would leave them in the playroom as I cooked so they did not see me doing this. I would plate up the food put it on the table and call them to eat as I crawed back into bed. This was July so no school so it was just them and me all day. I have to amit they ate a lot of soup and lunchmeat them two weeks. Steve would call at night after school and I would put my best face on and tell him oh I feel a bit bad but am ok. Did not want to worry him. I had not ate since the day before he left and did not eat them whole two weeks. The day before he came home he calls me and I sound like a druggie can not understand me and I can not keep on topic. He tells me something is way wrong with me. I cry and amit to some of issues the puking and not eating.
He calls a friend who comes and picks me up to take me to the ER and watch my boys as I see the doctor. I lost 35 pounds in two weeks. Mark said to me when he picked me up I looked real real sick. You could see the bones in my neck. I was not a skinny girl before HG so for him to see that on me ment some real bad juju was going on inside of me.
I go in looking like death and they tell me I need to make myself eat and drink for the baby. Guilt triping me into eating. Like I wanted to not eat and drink for two weeks for shits and giggles. Ugh my first of many doctors/nurses giving me guilt for being sick. They give me 4 bags of IV's and a scrip for Phenergen.
Phenergen gave me the runs and did not help me other then making me ill from both ends. Ugh.

Less then two weeks latter I was still not keeping down water or food and went back to the ER yet again. More IV's more Phenergen. Did not keep me just toped me off and sent me on my way.
Week latter I start bleeding very bad and we rush to the ER thinking I am loosing the baby. First they thought I was then they thought I was not. So this smaller hub hospital did not know what to do with me so they transport me to the bigger hospital in the next town over. This is when I get to meet my OBGYN doctor for the first time. I had an appt to see him at my 10 week mark but ended up in the OB ward days before that appt. He tells the nurse I have hyperemesis gravidarum and puts me on IV zofran. I was bleeding from puking so hard. They put the doplar on me and I hear Angelina's heartbeat for the first time. I layed there with tears in my eyes it was all so real to me after that. Not just thinking about myself and how sick I am but that there is a real baby in there cooking for me. I was kept overnight and sent home with my lifesaver a scrip for zofran OTC 8mg every 6 hours. With in a day I was eating small meals and able to drink room temp water. You would have thought that soup and water was steak and fine wine the way I enjoyed that first meal. The rest of my PG I would still only be able to eat small meals but it was better then no food at all.

Feeling better I set down and look on the net for hyperemesis gravidarum to see what he was talking about. That is when I found this fourm. I start reading the front end of this page and started to feel better about this not being something only I was going thru. I would read a bit and tell Steve what I had read. I think it also helped him cope with me. I know it was hard on him watching me be so sick. I would feel better about three weeks in a row and would get ill again. You could almost time when I would have to go back into the ER. I got the flu two times since my body was so broke down. I was sick or on meds till 35 weeks.
Then came the preterm labor and 1/2 bedrest from 35 to 38 weeks. My doctor let me have her at 38 weeks when I lost 6 pounds. We have a perfect baby girl who came out 6 lb 14oz and is 19 inch long. With me only gaining 19 pounds all durring my 3rd tri.
Steve was so good to me all durring HG even at times when it was putting a lot of stress on him. I could not ask for him to have been any better to me.
HG took almost 9mo of my life from me and my family but my baby girl is worth it. Putting out my story in type is making me feel much better as I set here working out the last 9mo in my head. Thanks for reading this and going thru it with me once again.

I have to thank all the girls on here for listening to me wine and cry durring my bad times. I hope now HG free I can help support others who are still in what we call HG hell.

Samantha Kay Espen-Peters
Angelina DoraMae Sev HG 3-38 weeks
Born 3-3-07
I also have two great bonus babies(adopted stepsons) Devon 18 and Tristin 15
I am very active on facebook
Devoted to You
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Joined: Sep 19, 2006 10:37 am
Location: Vegas NV

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