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PostPosted: Jul 17, 2005 8:44 am
by PamelaRose
Welcome, Andrea. Send me an email letting me know how you'd like a buddy to get in contact, and I'll be in touch. Congratulations on the new pregnancy!

Need A Buddy

PostPosted: Jul 20, 2005 5:51 pm
by walkersquiver
My name is Danielle Walker
State- Illinois

PostPosted: Jul 20, 2005 8:29 pm
by PamelaRose
Thanks, Danielle. I'll be in touch soon about a buddy. :)

And a reminder for everyone: sometimes I'm right on the ball and get things lined up right away, and other times I space out and forget what I'm supposed to be doing. If you are waiting and waiting and waiting, email me and remind me! I need that little kick sometimes to get back on track. :wink:

New to group, 2nd time w/ HG

PostPosted: Jul 27, 2005 10:10 pm
by Keling
Hi, I'm Sara. I'm 29 and 21 weeks pregnant with my second child. This is my second bout with HG.

During my first pregnancy (Tommy 6/11/02), I was extremely ill (nausea/vomitting) during the first 4 months and lost 25 lbs (I started at 202lbs). It ceased in my 5th month, but returned in my 7th month and I was hospitalized. The only reason the doctor let me return home was because my husband is a nurse and could administer the IM injections to keep me from vomitting. I ended my pregnancy at the exact same weight I started; the HG was never diagnosed, although I also had complications with kidney stones and mild preeclampsia. I knew I was pregnant because of the vomitting, which began at 4 weeks.

This is my second pregnancy and the HG started at about the same time. So far, I've lost 20 lbs (I started this pregnancy at 220lbs). The extreme nausea/vomitting subsided at about 12 weeks this time, but I still have bouts. Almost anything, from coughing to brushing my teeth, can set me off and I still vomit. My doctor diagnosed me with HG this time but it was not the OB/GYN who gave me any medication for it. Rather, my GP gave me Metoclopramide (10mg), which did nothing! I'm now experiencing kidney pain/stones for the last 2 weeks.

In addition to all of these problems, I also have Fibromyalgia, which, because I'm off of my medications during pregnancy, is exacerbated by all of these other pregnancy problems.

I'd love to find some answers and someone to talk to - a buddy. I live in Bermuda, so there's not much choice in the area of physicians/OBs, so switching is really difficult, especially when you feel you aren't getting the attention you need.


PostPosted: Jul 28, 2005 2:29 pm
by PamelaRose
Welcome, Sara. I'm happy to hear that your HG has eased this time around; hope you can strike a balance between living and HG for the rest of the pregnancy! Many HGers aren't diagnosed until their second time through, and it sounds like your treatment has been very limited. 10 mg metaclopromide is waaaay too little to make an impact on HG!

I will gladly line you up with a buddy; I'll have to think for a bit to see who's closest--I believe we had another HGer from Bermuda here last year? I'll have to see what I can come up with. In the meantime, email or PM me with your email so I can get you in touch with a voluneer. :)

PostPosted: Jul 31, 2005 1:09 pm
by VegasMommy
I am very interested. My name is Dina and I am in Las Vegas Nevada. Please, if you find someone for me email me at

I am 8 weeks pg with HG and would love to talk to someone via phone....its hard getting to the computer alot and finding energy to type

PostPosted: Jul 31, 2005 1:21 pm
by PamelaRose
Dina, I'll be in touch very soon. I know how difficult it is to make it to the computer during HG.

PostPosted: Aug 13, 2005 6:15 am
by UKmommy
Pamela, I don;t need a buddy, I would love to be a buddy, I am in the southwest of UK, about one hour from Mandy, in Wiltshire. But I am moving to Georgia soon(end of year hopefully) would love to be a buddy when I move as well. Notice you didnt have any Georgia Buddies. Hope this helps. You can email me at if you need to.


PostPosted: Aug 13, 2005 3:09 pm
by PamelaRose
Thanks so much, Joy. I'd love to have a volunteer in Georgia! :D I noticed that you lost your second pregnancy after bad HG--That sounds very similar to my first pregnancy, when I managed to lose over 30 pounds before my body caught on to the missed miscarriage at 10 1/2 weeks. It's always exciting to find someone whose experience mirrors my own. Welcome!

like a buddy

PostPosted: Aug 22, 2005 7:50 pm
by Tammy
Im 9 weeks preg with my saline lock friday blown it 3x already well on my way to a picc line i think and i could really use a buddy.,..
Im in canada
thanks so much

PostPosted: Aug 22, 2005 10:28 pm
by PamelaRose
Hi, Tammy. Do I have you on my contact list already? Send me an email and I'll line you up--I've got a few ladies from Ontario. :)

PostPosted: Sep 07, 2005 3:20 pm
by stephensmam
Hey pamela
Just to let you know im back on for being a buddy if anyone needs me i think iv sufficent time now to really be helpfull to someone else it dosent matter where from UK would be good but i really dont mind at all, oh and by the way have you hered from anna its ages since i talked to her?

Jacqueline xxx

let me know


PostPosted: Sep 09, 2005 11:00 am
by mdeban
I am not sure if I already asked for a buddy, but My name is Megan I live in San diego CA. I too would love to have a buddy my email is Thank you for all that you do! this is an awsome site!! Megan

PostPosted: Sep 09, 2005 10:46 pm
by PamelaRose
Jacqueline - Nice to see you back! How are Stephen and Sarah? I'll make sure to let you know when someone needs you. Thanks for letting me know!

Anna is still here from time to time. She has had some losses recently and has been less active here, but I'm sure she'd love an email from you.

PostPosted: Sep 09, 2005 10:49 pm
by PamelaRose
Welcome, Megan. I'm sorry if I missed you, and thanks so much for speaking up again! I hate to think that I've ignored anyone. :? I'll email you right now about a buddy.

PostPosted: Sep 13, 2005 7:37 am
by stephensmam
thanks pamela the kids are fine i saw a picture of you and your family on the photo board your children are so gorgeous , i will e mail anna thanks for letting me know.

Can I get a buddy please?

PostPosted: Sep 17, 2005 5:53 am
by Babyontheway

I just found out I am pregnant this morning. I will confirm by getting a beta on Monday. I live in Canada.

Thank you.

PostPosted: Sep 17, 2005 11:11 am
by PamelaRose
Thanks, Lynn! Wow--less than 4 weeks. That's amazing - I don't think I ever knew that early. Hopefully that means you've got a couple good weeks before HG hits. :)

I got your PM, and I'll be in touch.

PostPosted: Sep 17, 2005 12:29 pm
by Shanessa
Hi my name is Sandra. I am 19 weeks pregnant with my 4th pregnancy and 2nd child and i would love to be a buddy. I live in Canada and my email address is

Sarah 03/30/03
EDD #2 02/08/06

PostPosted: Sep 17, 2005 2:14 pm
by PamelaRose
Thanks so much, Sandra. I've got you on the list, and I'll let you know when you're needed. If you ever run across someone near you or someone whose story touches you, feel free to PM or email that person by clicking on those buttons at the bottom of her post. I really appreciate your willingness to help. :)