
Some people say the worst things . . .

Moderator: HelenA


Postby caleighbelle47 » May 12, 2005 8:03 am

I'll start out by stating that I don't like my in-laws, and we have never gotten along. And right now we're living with them while we wait for our new apartment to become available. It sucks.

So all during my last pregnancy my husband told them how sick I was and they didn't understand it. He told them about HG and they didn't listen. We gave them the address to this site and of course they didn't look at it. So here I am in my second pregnancy, more sick that in the first and living with them, and of course they still don't get it.

My MIL is mad because I'm not friendly enough. I don't stop and say "hi" to her when I'm on my way to the bathroom to throw up. What does she expect! I guess it's not enough that my husband has to take me to the bathroom when I need to go, because I can't walk there on my own.

So they ask my husband how I am and when he says "not good" they're like "what's wrong." Hello, why can't they just listen. They totally can't realize how sick I am. It just really ticks me off. I just can't stand being this sick and living with people who can't realize that I'm sick. I feel like I'm being judged for things I shouldn't be judged for. I'm just so sick of people thinking I have "morning sickness" I just know they all think I just a baby, a weak person who can't handle morning sickness. :evil:

Okay, I'm done complaining now.
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Postby HelenA » May 12, 2005 2:18 pm

Oh you poor thing! It must be awful living somewhere and being treated like that! Like you need any extra hassles when trying to deal with HG. Maybe you could try printing some info on HG for her to read through, also maybe give her a link to the news report ABC 7 news have on their website about HG. Make her watch it.

My family were very good about me being sick, but they didn't understand it, so I printed off some reading material and showed them my pregnancy diary and they couldn't believe how bad I was and have bent over backwards to help since. I don't have any in laws as DP's parents both died before I met him, But I still have contact with my ex mother in law and she has been very good to me.

Most people do not mean to be rude (although it seems it and we are hormonal anyway!) but it's ignorance. They don't understand because nothing much is known about HG, it's still widely undiagnosed and unless you have had it or had experience with it, people just don't understand. Try educating her and if that doesn't help, and she's still the dragon from hell... Just deck her!!! J/K :wink:
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Postby HGx3 » May 12, 2005 2:43 pm

I am so sorry you are going thru this. I have had hg 3 times, and during my THIRD pg, we let my brother stay here for a few weeks. I was in and out of the hospital, and just could not function. My sister came over daily to take care of me and my 2 toddlers. My brother had the nerve to insinuate that I was just LAZY when I was pg, and I was lucky she was willing to come over and handle things for me. :shock:

I swear, what do you have to do to PROVE how sick you are???? I guess my 60,000.oo in medical bills wasnt sufficient. Well, afterall, I must be a lazy, hypochondriac :evil:

::sigh:: :roll:

So sorry, I know it must be awful. Just know that you will soon be in your own place, and you wont have to deal with your mil anymore.
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Postby kirsty » May 12, 2005 5:53 pm

I know how you feel! my mil asks my hubby how I am going once in a blue moon, and when he says " she's not so good" she says " why?" if he says " because she is still throwing up" she will say "what, still? is that normal?" of course it's not "normal" but this is my 3rd pregnancy and I have thrown up til the day I deliver with the others, what does she expect!
I really feel for you having to live with them, no way I could do it! even if I wasn't pregnant! :D
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sorry about mil

Postby IslandDreamer » May 13, 2005 6:55 pm


I'm so sorry your mil is so difficult. It's really stressful.

Dh told his mom I'm pg, and I about flipped because I know what's coming. She's very sweet but doesn't listen and pisses me off. In fact, the crawling up my butt and crackering me started today. Did you know that "every pregnancy is different?" And that since she was sick with her first but not her second, I should be okay?

HELLO, I'm almost 12 weeks with my THIRD HG pg and taking 10 different meds a day to stay out of the hospital. To make it more annoying, I can't point out that I could have died when pg with Hope since dh never told her about I have to listen to her crap, like you do, and can't even offer history and evidence. Ack!

I cannot for the life of me understand why people have to try to convince us we don't have a serious illess. What ever happened to compassion? We take the same meds as chemo would they treat a cancer patient? Tell them every cancer is different and to buck up and have a better attitude? :x

I'm so sorry.

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