"I know JUST what you mean!"

Some people say the worst things . . .

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"I know JUST what you mean!"

Postby cthmschler » Jul 10, 2004 11:31 am

This is the comment I HATE the most, lately. I get it whenever I mention how much I want/need this pregnancy to be over. And the problem is, I know what they think I mean. I felt that way with my second pregnancy. Micah was 2 days early, so we expected Noah to be a week or so early (as conventional wisdom would suggest), but he was a week late. I was not sick during my third trimester with him, and I acutely remember the sense of impatience, discomfort, and longing for the baby to be OUT! Especially as I had Braxton-Hicks contractions that didn't go more than 5 minutes apart for 2 weeks before I delivered him. I think it bothers me the most when the pharmacist from the IV company says that she "knows just what I mean" (since she just came back from maternity leave 3 weeks ago), because she KNOWS what I'm going through (or at least she should, as she inventories my meds and sets up my deliveries each week).
When I say I want/need this pregnancy to be over, I mean that I want:

-To NOT drag an IV pole around all day anymore.
-To NOT have to inject myself with IV medication 3X a day
-To NOT have to get flushes ready each night for my 5am medication.
-To be able to DRINK again!
-To be able to EAT again.
-To regain the strength needed to be able to go on a walk with my kids, or to be able to PICK UP my threee year old for a cuddle.
-To be well enough to leave the house for something other than a mid-wife's appointment (I haven't even been to church since the middle of December)
-To NOT have to wrap my arm in Saran Wrap and two layers of tape every time I need to shower; and, as a matter of fact:
-To know I'll be able to TAKE a shower standing up and besides that, know I'll have enough strength to wash my hair all by myself

Sorry for the long vent, it's just that, aside from here, I'm reasonably certain that the people I talk to do not "KNOW JUST WHAT I MEAN"!
Mama to Micah Thomas (2-95), Noah Alexander (11-96), Quentin Louis (5-01), and (drum roll, please) Gabriel Ryan (7-04)
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Postby PamelaRose » Jul 11, 2004 12:10 pm

I know JUST what you mean! lol

It seems that anyone who's had a baby in utero for any amount of time thinks she can relate completely. My 2 favorite "I know just what you mean" quotes came from our insurance agent and daycare mom. When I was first sick with HG we met with our agent. She asked how I'd been and I said terrible, very sick, and she said, yes, she knew JUST what I meant. She'd been very sick with her twins and HAD EVEN VOMITED ONCE! Good thing I was too sick to react to that comment. And once I went overdue and beyond, I got all the "the baby will come eventually--it's not so bad" comments. When we were scheduling our induction for 42 weeks with baby #2, our daycare mom got huffy and went on and on about how UNNATURAL it was and how uncalled for because "it's really not that long to wait." This from a woman who had her first at 37 weeks and her twins scheduled c-section at 36 weeks, telling me going 5 weeks longer, 35 DAYS, than she had wasn't so bad? Ha! But you really can't do much; arguing vehemently only makes you sound like them. :?

I hope your little one comes soon and you can enjoy that shower! Good luck.

4-Time HG Survivor
*Brody (8-11-98 )
*Avery (1-24-01)
*Reilly (12-16-02)
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so true

Postby beachgirl » Jul 29, 2004 12:06 pm

true on all
Last edited by beachgirl on Aug 24, 2004 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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scream time

Postby IslandDreamer » Jul 30, 2004 9:49 pm

Today my mil told me it "wouldn't be that bad" for me if I got pg again, that while I was sick with my son, I "wouldn't be so sick if I were pg again." What? :roll: She now sees the future as well as having a new degree in medicine? :roll:

I said, "yes it would" since I was worse, much much worse, the second time. (She is unware of the second pg and subsequent m/c) She started arguing and challenging me about how sick could I possibly get. . .and the part about wanting another baby, "don't you want another baby, don't you want one?"

Of course I want [i]one,[/i] I want Hope :cry: . Screaming with you!!!!! :x

Kinda off topic, but not really. . .
At the MISS forums, we have a gal who has volunteered her purse to whack people when they say ignorant things to us about our babies. Maybe we need a version of Ginger's Purse here at HER when people say stupid things about hg.

I've put this site and hg in my signature at MISS, as I have the MISS address here. Women do ask me about hg because of the sig, and my response actually shows them how hideous hg is. Here's what I tell them, kind of like the SATs, but it works: HG is to morningsickness like this (loss of child) is to everything else. I've receive many cyber-nods that they now get the severity of hg.
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