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PostPosted: Sep 06, 2004 10:49 pm
by bibliojo
That is truly wonderful that you are pregnant then Beth! I'm glad to hear that you are doing better -- gaining 1 pound is better than losing weight! :D 5 months is over half way -- you'll be there soon! :D

I too almost think it's better to be surprised with a pregnancy. I'm finding the mental preparation for this next pregnancy is very hard. I think about it all the time. How do you consciously commit yourself to being that sick? If it were a suprise you would just deal with it and survive somehow. But knowing that you purposely caused yourself to be in this miserable state! However it's the end result that we want -- a beautiful baby boy or girl -- and some of us just have to go through more to get it. Our children are worth it though!


PostPosted: Sep 07, 2004 7:05 pm
by danimomof2girls
If you think wearing a pump made you look strange, imagine having a tube hanging out of your chest while wearing a large backpack pump on your back for 12-18 hours a day? Uh, it seems like a bad dream now but I guess my point is that I truly sympathize with all of you!

The pumps are great and I'm glad to hear that the reglan pump is working so well. I went straight to the Zofran pump and it is much more harsh on your muscles than reglan although usually more effective for nausea. I also had Matria for a home healthcare provider. They were wonderful!

Best of luck to all of you!

I'm thinking of you!

PostPosted: Sep 08, 2004 9:16 pm
by DeColeCody
Danielle -
you WIN!!! The backpack had to be even better than the looks I get! I keep telling Matria that I need to have my dose increased. I wil try again tomorrow.

How long did your hyperemesis stay? The whole time? 15 weeks? I am wondering if I wil be cursed for the entire time.
