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zofran safety

PostPosted: Oct 23, 2004 12:38 pm
by kimut1
Hi, I have moderate HG, and am taking zofran as needed. I started in my 7th week. How safe is this stuff? With my 1st pg. I took reglan, but that didn't touch my symptoms this time> I know this is a very general question.....but I am concerned...thanks!

PostPosted: Oct 26, 2004 9:23 pm
by mammaclare
I think one of the most critical things you can do as a patient is to choose a doctor/midwife you trust. That way, when they assure you that something is safe, you already have the trust in place to believe them.

That said, most of us on here have had Zofran. Many of us had to take it up to delivery (I was one of those!), and for the most part, we all have healthy and happy babies.

If you would like more information, Motherisk in Canada has a lot of safety information on all the possible drug therapies. The number is on their website, which is, as is a lot of other information.

As for what to expect, Zofran does a decent job for most women in reducing or stopping the vomiting, but doesn't really touch the nausea. You may want to look into B6/Unisom (more info in a sticky on this thread and 1st Tri thread) as well. If you take Zofran, you can expect some constipation, but that seems to be the main and worse side-effect.

If you need more Zofran, know that you can take a max of 32mgs a day orally...if things get worse, you may need to up your dose.

Good luck!