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california teacher needs help

PostPosted: Sep 24, 2005 7:20 pm
by june
I just found out that my school district does not cover disability. After teaching for seven years, I suppose I should have looked at the deductions on my pay check, but it never occurred to me. Since I was waiting for my disability to kick in at the beginning of the school year, I didnt sign a contract. No contract, no union coverage. I have tried substituting, but I ended up back in the hospital, with some B vitamin deficiencies and fingershaking from my doctor. I called Aflac, but they do not work with my union. Any other thoughts or suggestions? My income is now cut in half!

PostPosted: Sep 25, 2005 4:49 pm
by aaronsmommy
Once you are sick, it's impossible to get disability insurance. Unless you get it from work, they require a medical history, and a physical exam. Most insurance policies only cover about 60% anyway, so if you are getting half somehow, you are pretty much there.

I had the same problem with my first pg. I had CA state disability, but found out that you have to be contributing to the program for about 6 months to start getting benefits. Although my previous job had been in CA, I didn't contribute to that program, so I wasn't eligible, so I got nothing.

You might want to look in to getting hospital income insurance (maybe through the union) then you would at least get something if you were in the hospital. I'm not sure they do a physical for that.

PostPosted: Sep 29, 2005 8:48 pm
by june
thanks for your help, but it looks like i am out of luck. my dr. wants me home for another two weeks at least, so no possibility of work for me. i am going to check into medi-cal since i lost my medical insurance. sadly, i think we still make too much money, even on one salary to get any state benefits.

PostPosted: Sep 29, 2005 10:30 pm
by aaronsmommy
CA has a great program for health insurance called AIM for middle income families. You actually pay a little. It varies how much you pay, but it is very affordable.

PostPosted: Sep 30, 2005 11:10 am
by BrandiJK
AIM is pretty fantasic, and you may want to look into state disability as well.

PostPosted: Sep 30, 2005 1:19 pm
by june
you are fantastic! thanks. i have a medi-cal appointment on monday to see if i am eligible. i will ask about aim as well. i wish someone at my dr. office has clued me in earlier!