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PostPosted: May 03, 2007 6:25 pm
by pamedic
I never got sick with birthcontrol, but with Depo I gained a ton of weight, over 50 lbs in a matter of like 6 months :( Then I switched to the pill and was a walking zomby, no energy, no sex drive, moody, but never nauseated or sick.

I didn't vote, since I did have symptoms from the stuff just not the sick part

My OBGYN says I'm highly affected by estrogen so I should stay away from birth control pills / shots. Which is fine since DH is snipped :D

PostPosted: May 04, 2007 12:54 am
by C&G'sMommy
I get about HG sick when I take them and get hives because I'm allergic to them as well, so no bc for me. I have to use different methods of bc without using pills, shots, or patches.

PostPosted: May 15, 2007 9:35 pm
by kelley2000
Yes, when I was a teenager I started the pill,and I was always having weird episodes of nausea and vomiting. It took a long time before I realized it was the brth control. Ten years later,after my last pg, I tried the patch, and that was the worse. Every month I had more and more vomiting, and had to finally stop it. Now I have the Nuvaring, which only causes a little nausea, I love it!!
