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Hyperemesis and Labyrinthitis

PostPosted: Aug 15, 2004 4:01 pm
by MamaLily
I realize that there probably is no relationship, but I wondered if anyone has ever heard of a link between HG and Labyrinthitis? There probably is no correlation, and I have no medical knowledge, so I just wondered...

The reason I'm asking is because my sister was recently diagnosed with Labyrinthitis, which (from what I understand) is an inflammation within the inner ear. Vertigo (dizziness) is the main symptom, but it can also cause nausea, vomiting, and malaise. Here is an article I found online about labyrinthitis, in case anyone is interested.

I took my sister to the ER because she was so dizzy and nauseated. As the doctor described Labyrinthitis, I kept thinking about how similar it is to HG! He said that when Labyrinthitis is extreme, the patient has to be hospitalized. Sometimes patients are so sick that they cannot open their eyes or roll over in bed without nausea and vomiting. :idea: This is how I felt when I had HG. I had to lay down in a dark room without any kind of movement or stimulation, because it made the nausea and vomiting worse.

Anyway, after he described the symptoms of Labyrinthitis, he gave my sister some meds: meclizine, steroids, and valium. I was surprised, because meclizine and steroids are basically the two meds I am counting on to work for me the next time I have HG. He said that the meclizine helps fight the dizziness and the steroid reduces the inflammation within the inner ear. And he said that a short dosage of steroids can usually stop the Labyrinthitis.

After the doctor talked about the meds, he said that a Labyrinthitis patient will start to have some better days among the bad days. And that eventually the good days will be better than the bad ones. Again, another similarity to HG!

I walked out of the ER completely surprised by all of the similarities between Labyrinthitis and HG. Is there any way that there might be a connection? Could pregnancy possibly change the inner ear to make it more susceptible to Labyrinthitis? I realize that this is probably a long shot, but I just had to post about it in case there might be any kind of a connection!


- Anna

PostPosted: Aug 15, 2004 5:05 pm
by carriedodson
Wow Anna,

I hope your sis is doing better. You know, there might be a connection. I have been in the ER 4 or 5 times when I am not pregnant with unexplainable nausea and vomiting. Always no reason. I will never understand it. Maybe this is what it was. It seemed to creep up under stress. Weird. How are you doing! How is your 2 year old angel? Talk to you soon!

PostPosted: Aug 17, 2004 6:27 pm
by kirsty
has anyone tried the Morningwell tapes?
they work on the principle of changing the signals in your inner ear. it interupts the signal between the brain and gut to stop emesis.
Apparantly anyway! :wink:
I have brought the tape, but not yet ttc so don't know if it works.
has anyone else tried it?
just thought this linked in with your thoughts on labrynthitis.

PostPosted: Aug 18, 2004 1:45 pm
by nomore

You made a very good connection- at least in my book! 3 years before I got pregnant with Madison, I was at the DRs office due to extreme vertigo (dizziness), with nausea, altough no vomiting. They told me I had a viral infection that causes Labrythintis (or however you spell it!).

In my 2nd trimester, this described me exactly-every time I got up for a few weeks, I would vomit IMMEDIATLEY. I tried to explain to my DR the movement felt like it was making me throw up and I recall I was dizzy during this peroid. Throughout almost my entire pregnancy, I couldnt read, as it made me really dizzy and feel sick- like motion sickness or car sickness, even if I was sitting in bed!

This is one reason I REALLY hope that meclizine might help me (as I did not try it before). I also have meclizine and steroids on my list for TTC. WE meet with the peri mid -september to go over the meds and protocol.

I dont know if its true for all, but I really feel there is a link!
