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Where are you all? - uk-ers???

PostPosted: Jan 24, 2007 2:38 pm
by kk
Are there any other UK-ers suffering from HG at this present time - anyone but me? I seem to drift around the other forums then come and check this one every once in a while and it seems awful slow... I know there is sunlight - hiya - how ya doing? was good to chat the other day and please keep us updated.....?!? And Moira in Scotland - hello too!! Anyone else???? Dont be shy and come and say hi........



PostPosted: Jan 24, 2007 7:43 pm
by Natalie
Hi KK.

What tends to happen here in this folder is that the UK HGers come and introduce themselves and maybe in one of the other folders e.g. New to forum - pg. I can help with giving tips on medical management and UK specific preparation for HG but then I tend to refer people on to the trimester folders for the same reason as you said - there aren't really many, if any UK girls going through HG simultaneously on this particular site so it's good to have the support from ladies suffering at the same time as yourself. Both Helen and I have done HG pgys with our transatlantic (and pacific in my case) HG sisters and apart form the medical management, the suffering was the same. Awful, just awful. The hideousness of HG crosses all boundaries!! I have made great friends here through being in the trenches of HG with others here.

As for UK HGers here - maybe we see a new one every other month or so but only a few stick around. At the moment, the only longstanding UK HGers here are myself, Mandy and Helen. Having said that, I found quite a few HGers on the Bounty website. As in, he Bounty pack you are given by your mw. Go to and find the thread under the pgy complications section. I haven't checked it recently but there were quite a few going at one point.


Natalie, x

PostPosted: Jan 27, 2007 3:50 am
by HelenA
**Stopping by to wave** Not currently HG-ing, but been there, done it, and can give advice if needed.

PostPosted: Jan 30, 2007 10:46 am
by spannereyes
hi im from the uk , im not preggers at the moment but i did suffer with severe hg both times , i was so bad i couldnt go to the toilet myself i was so weak , im here to if you feel like a chat .xxx

PostPosted: Feb 01, 2007 9:11 am
by natts
Hi i'm from the UK, i live in East Sussex, near brighton on the coast.
I an currentlty 10 weeks pregnant and have been classified as having 'Severe HG' by the grid the doctors were working from.

- I wish i had asked for a copy last time i was in hosiptal as it was written by two HG specilists in the UK and explained the UK protocols for medication and treatment for HG in the UK, i have no doubt its just a countdown until im re-admitted so im going to asked for a copy of it next time!

I've come accross a couple of 'non - believers' (doctors) but after seeking 2nd opinions its always worked out okay!

the next 'Baby Show' is in London in March, i really want to go but not sure if i could endure the train jorney up there :takingzofran: or the walking around...... had you planned to go?

take care!

PostPosted: Feb 04, 2007 10:55 am
by kk
Hi Natts!! I had no idea about a baby show - but thanks for the info... I will possibly try and get down there. I am still quite weak and get really dizzy when I am out and about - so will see how I feel around the time. I am so sorry that you are feeling so sick, what meds are you taking? are they working for you? Sounds good that they have a protocol for hyperemesis where you are!! Hope you feel a bit better soon?

PostPosted: Feb 05, 2007 7:01 am
by natts
yes i saw teh baby show advertised in a magasine, looks good, but London.... or even the post box seems so far away!

I live in East Sussex, my local hospital is the Brighton and Sussex Hosp, which obviously is in Brighton on the coast.

I currently on Stemetil and Thiamine (Vitamins) which just scrape my by most days, but im going back to my doctor tomorrow as im finding that the effects are getting lesser with each day.

Im really kickig myself that i didnt ask for a copy of the protocol as it would have been priceless for others, but ill ask if i can have one tomorrow and post it up if i can!

PostPosted: Feb 05, 2007 10:39 am
by kk
Hi, sorry to read that the meds are not working too well! You really have to push to find different meds that might suit you a bit better. In the first trimester I was putting them where the sun don't shine (suppositories) - I would have done anything then... now I am taking prochloroprazine which; seem to help, I just cant stand the sleepiness it brings with it!! Saying that though I dont have to take them that often now. I have kinda decided that this is how I will be for the rest of the pregnancy - good some days and not others so I just go with the flow at the moment. I started to feel much better at a bout 16 wks and did not need any fluid so no more hospital trips thank god, just a tablet now and again!!
Its wierd as I still cannot stomach milk or vitamins so I have given up trying to take either...... I really cant wait to have this baby and feel normal again. I have been reading some of the birth stories and how they feel hg free as soon as they have given birth practically - that gives me so much hope!!

Hope you get some fluffy days? and yea post the protocol if you can - would be good to read what they have to say about it!!

PostPosted: Feb 06, 2007 10:45 am
by zoe2006
Hello KK,
I am in Lincolnshire and 25 wks today with my second. I have a 2yr old daughter who I also had HG with. The first 16 weeks were the worst for me. I still feel nauseas most of the time now but only actually vomit say once a week which is soooo much better! I have energey to walk 10 mins to my local shop or the doctors some days too which is great. I am currently on cinnarizine but was on cyclazine before that...unfortunately my cinnarizine seems to have stopped working this last week or so and I'm plucking up the energy to contact GP for another change of meds. I really am so looking forward to getting this baby out and living properly again!!!
Heartburn has kicked in over the last 2 weeks too and that's so awful withthe nausea too as the only thing that works (Gaviscon) makes me wanna heave :sickfast:
Any way, How are you doing? I hope youre coping!!!!
Take care,
Zoe x

PostPosted: Feb 06, 2007 11:47 am
by kk
Hi, sorry to read that you have heart burn! I know what you mean about the gaviscon... did they give you the gaviscon advanced? It feels like something is stuck in your throat when trying to swallow it - not the best thing for hg. I am coping with the hg ok at the moment, it does get me down some days but then I think that it will end soon and I sooooooo cant wait for that day and thats what keeps me going. You said you were going to pluck up the courage to change your meds again - is your doc a bit funny about it all? I hope you manage to get it sorted out especially if they are not working very well at the moment. I am so jelous of the Americans - they seem to have a really good system set up for hyperemesis!!!

I think you are such a brave person having another child after having hg with your first. I have a 7yr old and did not have hg so this completely shocked me. I do not know if I could ever go through this again but so many women seem to go ahead and have more so you necer know - I may change my mind in the future. How have you managed with your two year old? I can imagine its been quite hard!!

Take care!

PostPosted: Feb 06, 2007 3:50 pm
by zoe2006
Hi Kate,

Yes my GP isnt exactly clued up on HG - and hasnt been much help at all, escept when I cried down the phone to her at 9wks that I couldnt take it anymore...then she arranged a scan for me to check everything was ok with the baby which it was. Unfortunately my consultant at the hospital reccommended ginger bloody biscuits so I gave up hope and realised I would pretty much have to tough it out again!!!
Anyway like you I've been quite a bity better since 16 weeks - at least I dont feel like I'm about to die everyday now!
As for my daughter...well my mum lived with me and DH for the first 16 weeks and basically took over looking after her. I couldnt have got throughthis without her she has been an absolute God send both times.
I'm looking after DD myself now (since just before Christmas) and I cant do much else but ao relieved that at least I can do that again.
If I'd known there was a 70% chance of getting HG again I prob wouldnt have gone for a 2nd child tbh, but I thought I was just 'unlucky' with the first and hadnt found this website!
I know what you mean about the US being so much more advanced with care. The UK seems to be years behind. I just hope it changes for future sufferers.

How far along are you? I'm so glad to be at 25 weeks - feels like the end is in sight. I can remember feeling so bad at 5 weeks and thionking OMG! How will I last 9 months like this!!

Is your GP any use?

Take care,
Zoe x

PostPosted: Feb 09, 2007 6:53 am
by kk
Hi.... I can't believe (well I can actually) that the hospital told you to eat ginger biscuits. the cheek of it, if only they could experience it for a few days they would soon change their minds. The hospital near me (homerton hospital - east london) had an hg protocol and considering that I collapsed in a'n'e they had no choice to admit me and give me IV fluids, vitamin b6 and anti-emetic injections, they even gave me anti-emetics through the IV. I literally was in another world, my lips were chapped, tongue was really dry and could not hold myself to sit up properly, I was sick when I swallowed my own saliva - it was very shocking. I had electrolyte imbalances and had lost half a stone in 3wks so they kept me in for a week. I was re-admited a few weeks later as the anti-emetics were not working and became dehydrated again. The doctors have been quite good, they have never questioned it and supplied me with meds when I needed them. I think I have been quite lucky considering the care others have experienced in the UK. They have offered me counelling which I think I might take up as it is so distressing.

Like you I am so lucky to have had mum to help, if it was not for her it would have been devestating. I feel a lot better but I feel like I am in shock from it all and still feel weak and tired most of the time - I know they are normal pregnancy symptoms but they def. seem hg related! I have got really bad reflux so I am going to ask my midwife on monday if there is anything they can do about it as its driving me mad. I can bend over after eating or lay down as the food comes back up - not nice. I just keep thinking I am half way there now.

I had my 20wk scan on weds and everything looks fine, I am having a boy and apparently he had a big head and a big belly and is very long for his gestational age - so all of this was reassuring. Not looking forward to having a big baby though - arrrrgggg!!!

Take care, hopefully catch up with your next post and let me know how you are doing! Is good to talk to another person from the UK.....



PostPosted: Mar 20, 2007 3:13 pm
by barbarab
hi everyone, am a newbie, well kind of, was on here when I was pregnant with my son and then daughter but now 4 weeks again and waiting for HG to kick in.

Live in Nottingham but originally from Sunderland, Tyne and Wear.

Wondered if there was anyone from the UK suffering with HG right now or newly pregnant?

B x

PostPosted: Mar 20, 2007 4:55 pm
by Natalie
Hi Barbara and welcome (again!).

Congrats on the new baby!!

To answer your question, yes we have a number of UK HGers currently pg - some quite far along now. But there is a new girl who recently joined and is from Bristol but for the life of me, I can't remember her name right now. She is mid first tri. I'll find her name out and post it. There may be some others joining you soon if their efforts in ttc pay off!!

So have you been to your GP yet? When I get home, I'll send you the sticky that Sarah and I wrote. We haven't posted it up yet but it will be available shortly. I'm at the leisure centre right noiw.

Love Natalie. x

PostPosted: Mar 20, 2007 5:05 pm
by Natalie
Good news!!! There are 2 ladies in the UK in the first tri. Ratfan who is coming up to second tri I think now, and Clara who is about as far along as you also with her #3. She lives Middlesex way.#

Do go and introduce yourself over in the first tri folder. Did you want a buddy? Pamelarose is the lady to speak to if you do.

Love Natalie, x

PostPosted: Aug 14, 2007 6:38 am
by Xphile_mo
Hey - really sorry but only just found this (never think to check this folder!) :oops: :oops:

I know you've prob given birth by now but just wanted to say hi! I've seen your posts elsewhere and answered some but didn't realise you'd posted here too. Now I feel awfully rude!!! I wasn't ignoring you honestly! :cry:

Hope you and baby are doing well and that we hear from you soon x x x

PostPosted: Aug 14, 2007 12:50 pm
by Natalie

Kate had her son just a couple of weeks ago! Go to the Birth Announcements folder to see pics of her gorgeous little man!

Love Natalie, x