Baby Boy name

Moms with HG in their 2nd trimester.

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Baby Boy name

Postby NurseLiz » Dec 26, 2006 9:53 pm

Just posted on Life Forum- but in the spirit of lightening things up on second tri...
we are having a boy and I am thinking of naming him Cooper-
OK- I hear the Cooper Pooper thing alot- everyone I told hates It - any opinons??
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Postby minnesotamama » Dec 26, 2006 9:58 pm

Hmmm.... I think its cute.... can be shortened to Coop for a nickname! I think I knew someone with that name, real nice guy!

And don't let people get you with the cooper pooper thing.... kids will be kids and no matter what you name them some kid will find a way to make fun of them.

For example, my sisters are named Jill Marie and Laura Ann. The neighbors nicely called them Jill Marie Poop and Pee, and Laura Ann peed in a pan.... so no matter what.... kids find something. Oh and I was called BrainDead for awhile growing up!

So, if you love it, then go for it!! I don't think its some weird name and you are letting your child down by choosing it. its not like you are naming him Apple like some crazy celebreties!
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Postby NurseLiz » Dec 26, 2006 10:01 pm

You are right-
I was lizard Liz for a time or even the nastier- Elizabitch- probably true thanks bro!! :lol:
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Postby Kenderyl » Dec 26, 2006 10:13 pm

I'm rather fond of the name Cooper myself. Although I may not be the person to take advice from. I wanted to name our baby Aspen Connor if it turns out to be a boy and everyone keeps criticizing me for it. "Sounds like a tree to me"..."isn't that a place in Colorado"... :roll:
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Postby minnesotamama » Dec 26, 2006 10:15 pm

Kender.... I like the name Aspen... that is cute and different! People name their kids Dakota, Madison, etc. So what if its a place!? I think its great!

I really like the name Rylan Thomas right now... Dh is on the fence. He wants to do Erik Milton. I dunno, maybe we will have a girl and it won't matter! Oh and I like Reagan for a girl (I get a lot of crap about that one) and DH likes Cale (said Kale). Any thoughts???
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Postby NurseLiz » Dec 26, 2006 10:19 pm

LOVE LOVE LOVE Rylan!!! Sound so beautiful--
Other names are great too but that really stuck out at me
Aspen is great too- a little one here near me was just named Aspen- sounds so serene- and the baby is!!!
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Postby minnesotamama » Dec 26, 2006 10:23 pm

Thanks Liz!!! Okay, so here is a good question about names... does anyone else ever feel like because they know someone who named their kid that, they can't use that name? there are lots of names i love, but I feel like they are off limits. Or a friend of mine who is not even pregnant will talk about a name they love. Suddenly, it must be off my list.

What do you all think about that? Are we obligated to not "steal" names just cause someone brings them up? See, I would have no problem if one of you ladies liked the same name i did, so I dont mind posting them, but I refuse to tell others here for fear someone else will use it and then I cannot! Am I nuts?
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Postby Kenderyl » Dec 26, 2006 10:23 pm

My best friend's son is named Rylan. I loved the name at first... but then the kid grew up so now when I hear it I cringe. Honestly, I didn't think he was a pretty baby to begin with... but that kid is SUCH a pita now (and still not pretty) that I rarely see her anymore because of it. (Granted, I think her parenting skills and her DH's lack thereof are partly to blame). I know.. that sounds awful of me doesn't it?

Don't worry, I won't hold it against you if you name your son Rylan. I think Thomas is an absolutely WONDERFUL name too!
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Postby minnesotamama » Dec 26, 2006 10:26 pm

Kender, that totally sucks when you know someone who "ruins" a name for you. I really like the name Cameron, but one of my close friends was engaged to this total jerk named Cameron, so I refuse to use it! Still a great name.... I wish people would stop ruining names!
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Postby NurseLiz » Dec 26, 2006 10:31 pm

I have that same feeling about names- I dont take other peoples chosen names IF they are pregnant- My SIL insist no one use Kayla because she may use it if she ever has a baby someday- she is 43 not married with no boyfried - so I think she cant lay claim to any names!!
i do tell people my names - and I will warn against it- I never thought it would be a problem until---
Told some one I was naming DD Bailey and sure enough she delivered 2 months befor me and named her son that-
Told someone i was naming Ds devin- and you guessed it-- named her daughter it 2 days after me--
Oh well- I am over it now --- but at the time I wa a little peeved as they are close friends and our kids play together alot.
You are all welcome to Cooper if you like!!
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Postby minnesotamama » Dec 26, 2006 10:38 pm

Come to think of it, once we decided on a name, we told everyone, so I think its just while I am in the undecided phase that I keep it to myself mostly.

We had a name stealer too with our DS. Granted it was the second most popular name in the state, but still, I knew she got it from me! I was mad at first, but like you said, you get over it. I agree it would be hard if our kids played together a lot... and kinda confusing. I guess copying is the highest form of flattery though, right?
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Postby Susannah » Dec 26, 2006 11:54 pm

We were going to name Elizabeth Ellie, but someone said they would call her smelly ellie and so now I just can't bring myself to call her that. I do think that kids will figure out SOMETHING about any name.
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Postby Cin » Dec 27, 2006 12:57 am

Everyone around me seems to steal my kids' names.

Now, granted, Alex is a popular name, BUT....

When Isaac was 2 months old, a pg lady who went to our play group asked his name. She said it was a wonderful name, what a unique name, never heard it before, etc. -- and then named her son Isaac 2 months later. :? Then a girlfriend of mine had a baby last year and named him Isaac -- at least she 'fessed up she took the name from my baby. She said she looked at her son and just couldn't imagine naming him anything else, it WAS his name. (shrug) I get that, so it was easy to forgive.

Then, with Naomi, we just keep bumping into baby Naomi-s all over town lately, who are a month or two younger than ours. :x (But I can't complain too loud because one of the ladies here has a daughter named Naomi who is older than mine -- we didn't see the name here until after DD was born, honest! :lol:)
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Postby megs4413 » Dec 27, 2006 1:11 am

a mom from our playgroup was getting ready to deliver her baby and i was about 4 mos along. she and her DH had decided not to "share" the name for fear that peopel would either criticize it or steal it....but one day at playgroup the girls were asking me what names i was considering and I said, "Hudson" is one i like a lot....and then she goes..."NO!!!!" and i was like..."oh great"....she of course named her son Hudson 3 mos. ago when he was born....and now i can't use it.....which i'm really pissed off about since i didn't steal it in any way....and it's the only name i really like.....GRRRRR....
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Postby octobermomma » Dec 27, 2006 8:46 am

My fluffy friend is naming her baby Cooper. She is due the week before me. I want to beat her soooo badly. Just because she hasn't been sick in the least and it just doesn't seem fair that she isn't sick and she gets her baby first. :roll: What....just because her cycle was a week ahead of mine??? Come on!!! Give me a break! :wink:

I like the name Cooper. Of course, all of my friends love the name we have picked out for this one but my family hates it. I told them that if they wanted to name a baby that no one is stopping them from getting pregnant and naming one of their own. :lol:
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Postby minnesotamama » Dec 27, 2006 10:06 am

Kelly I love your response to your family... I will have to use that one! Haha! :lol:

Megs, I say use it anyway... its not stealing and if you love it, then use it! I know, easier said than done... but you shouldn't have to feel guilty!

I spent some time looking at a baby name book last night.... I just can't get in the mood though. Not sure why. With my first, I was so excited about that part. Maybe its the HG.
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Postby PamelaRose » Dec 27, 2006 2:12 pm

I love names! And we discovered the secret to tease-proofing names: Let my brother have at the name for a few months. He started calling Brody "Grody Brody" in utero yet, so by the time some idiot kid at school comes up with Grody Brody, Brody won't even register it as an insult. My brother also came up with, ahem, "Scroty Brody" (see, he's good!) and "Reilly Coyote." He has been fairly stumped by Avery, aside from a few Charlotte's Web references. And just when you think you've headed off every possible bad nickname, something else pops up, so instead of trying to tease-proof the name, I think it's a better bet to focus on a child with good self-esteem who can take the inevitable teasing in stride.

I don't think anyone has a monopoly on naming, so if you like it, use it. But some people are very territorial about their children's names! Go to the online nursery site of your hospital or a hospital in your state and look at the names used in the past few months, and that'll give you a good idea of just how many or how few babies are being named the names you like. We had chosen Reilly for a girl, and then 3 months before she was due, an acquaintance named her son Riley. We decided to go ahead and use the name for a girl, so now there's "Boy Riley" and "Girl Reilly" in preschool. But look at the bigger picture, with Riley one of the top names at that time, and I guess neither of us has to worry about being unique or being infringed on!

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Postby NurseLiz » Dec 27, 2006 11:14 pm

:lol: :lol:
Cooper John Mullen its is!!! Can't wait till your here and stop making me puke!! Liz
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Postby minnesotamama » Dec 27, 2006 11:30 pm

Oh, I like it. It flows really well! It will be easy to yell at him when he is in real BIG trouble! Yay for having a name!
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