Thank you

The HER foundation contributed letters from our forums members for a show that featured Hyperemesis as a topic. The show aired in April of 2007.

Moderator: annmarie

Thank you

Postby jesspinky1 » Feb 25, 2007 9:53 pm

Dear Dr. Phil,

Thank you for paying attention and doing something! I have written many letters to many shows and have gotten no responses. I was so excited to hear that you would be doing a show in HG.

9 years ago I became pregnant with my first child. I was excited and scared. By week 6 I was also very very sick. My doctor told me it was normal and to suck it up and get over it. My mother told me that the sickness was a sign from God that i should terminate and not have the baby. After weeks of being deathly ill, I began to believe my mother and I made the termination appointment. Something made me change my mind. I never showed up for that appointment and I am so glad I didn't. I continued to be ill. I lost a total of 50 lb during that pregnancy. I was in the hospital for fluids several times and was told to "just drink water until the vomiting stops". I was a single mom living by myself with no knowledge of disability or FMLA. I was forced to work through my entire pregnancy at a fast food restaurant of all places. It was so miserable. I was always in drive-thru and I am sure we lost many customers due to having to hear me vomit over the intercom. I was told that if I didn't stop getting sick at work that I would lose my job. As if I was doing it on purpose! I didn't begin to feel better until almost 2 weeks after giving birth! I was afraid that my body was so used to constant throwing up that it would never stop. My daughter was worth it all.

3 years later I got married and we decided to try for a baby. 1 month after the wedding I found out I was pregnant. I was sick almost immediately. Then we found out it was twins. I did lose my job that time. My boss happened to be pregnant also and she told me that she was sick and she didn't let it get in the way of her job. Maybe she felt sick, but I sure didn't see her running to the bathroom every half hour. This time my doctor at least prescribed me 2 weeks worth of meds after the first time I was in the hospital for fluids. They thought I was losing the babies. By week 16 though, all was well and no more meds were needed. I classify that pregnancy as NVP. I don't consider it HG. I gave birth to 2 very healthy baby boys.

This time last year, I found out I was pregnant yet again. This time we were in a different state and I finally had a different doctor. I didn't have health insurance, so i toughed out the sickness until I was able to be approved for medicaid. I didn't get in to see the doctor until 10 weeks. By that time I had been vomiting for weeks. They took one look at me and didn't even do the exam. They sent me straight to the hospital for fluids and meds. I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Finally a NAME for what was wrong with me! Finally someone believed me that it wasn't just morning sickness! Unfortunatly my insurance company through medicaid would not pay for the zofran ande I was stuck with no meds. I got sooo sick! I ended up with a home care nurse and a home IV. The doctor was able to get me a different medication which helped. Now that I had a name for my illness, I got on the computer and googled it to see what i could find out. I found HER. This site saved my life and my sons life. If I had not found this place and these wonderful women, I would have terminated for sure. The HG nearly ruined my marriage. I was off work for 6 months on 50% dissbility. My husband lost his job because he had to stay home and take care of the kids and me. Our finances went so down hill that we faced forclosureon our home and had both vehicles reposessed. My 7 year old daughter had to stay home from school some days just to help me out with the twins who were 3. She is so self sufficient now as a result. I felt like a failure as a mother and a wife. I wished for miscarriage. I wished for my own death. By 20 weeks I felt much better, but I still required meds for the entire pregnancy. This time I delivered a beautiful little boy.

Now, 3 months postpartum, I am dealing with the after effects of 3 horrible pregnancies. HG doesn't end when the pregnancy ends. Its effects will last forever. I am now dealing with PTSD and PPD as well as many physical effects.

My husband and I wanted a very large family. This will not happen now unless we adopt. Its just not fair.

There is so much more to my story than what is just written here. I wish I had the time and the energy to write it all out.

HG is such a little known disease and so many women have to suffer in silence because doctors either don't know about it, or they don't care. I hope and pray that through your show there will finally be more awareness. I hope that at least one doctor out there finally realizes that this is real.

I am trying my hardest to find a baby-sitter so I can be at the taping of the show. I can't wait for it to air!

Thank you so much for doing this.

Jessica Pinkard
Hailey 7-23-98 HG baby
Isaiah and Malachi 3-25-03 NVP
Dominic 2-27-01 adopted
William 11-14-06 HG baby
Aaliyah 10-3-08 HG baby
HG Diva
Posts: 2751
Joined: May 20, 2006 9:39 pm
Location: Durham, NC

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