new member-questionnaire

Moms with HG in their 1st trimester.

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new member-questionnaire

Postby almaciaszek » Aug 18, 2004 6:56 pm

Where are you from, do you have a good Dr?

I'm from Redwood City, CA. I do really like my Doctor.

What meds are you currently on, what has been tried in the past, and what doses are you on. Are they working - are you still vomiting, how nauseas are you?

I'm on Zofran 8 mg. orally twice/day. I'm also trying a variety of homeopathic remedies. I have a PICC line which allows me to get IV fluids every other day. I don't know if anything is working. Last night, I dry heaved again, throwing up only stomach bile. The bile thing is getting more frequent lately. The nausea is unbearable, 24/7. Makes it difficult to eat/drink anything. Can't even think about food, much less step foot in the kitchen.

How far along are you? When are you due?

I'm only 10 weeks along, due 3/15/05

What are you able to tolerate as far as liquids and solids go?


Do you have supportive help around you?

Not in the way of family. Our parent co-op preschool has really stepped up to try to help us as they can - cooking meals for my hubby & kids or sitting for my 2 kids while I go in for hydration.

Do you have a past termination or miscarriage - those emotions do come into play in the first trimester.

I miscarried prior to my first child, at 2 weeks gestation; we didn't even know we were pregnant until we were at the E/R.

Do you have any other children you are caring for or worrying about?

I have 2 children: Aubrey is 4.5 and Alec is 2.5

Are you trying to work?

no- I'm a SAHM; but work would be impossible, as I can't get off the couch/bed.
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Postby Ivydragon » Aug 20, 2004 2:39 pm

Have you discussed B6/Unisom w/ your Dr? There is a sticky post all about B6/Unisom/Zofran that is very informative.

Do they have Matria in your area? It sounds like you're going in to the hospital or a clinic every few days to get hydrated, is that right? Many women who have PICC lines are taught how to hook up their IV's at home so that they can get hydrated every day. I'm confused at why they put the PICC in, and are having you then come in for hydration.

You're only on 1/2 of the maximum dose available for Zofran. The max is 32 taken orally. Zofran is also available in ODT dissolveable tablets. Most women who are on a successful treatment plan are able to tolerate some liquids and solids, even if only a few select and odd things. It is really concerning that you are unable to tolerate anything. Either your drug combination will need to be improved or changed or you may need to discuss TPN or an NG tube placement if the HG does not let up because long term you cannot continue to tolerate nothing and remain with this treatment regimen. It's not a good long term option. Many HGers are having trouble w/ stomach acid and are finding Pepcid to be very helpful in fighting their HG. There are drug options, such as steroids that are used past 10 wks that can be helpful in setting you back on your feet, or more Zofran, or adding a combination to your Zofran that could reduce the amount of nausea you are experiencing.

I am glad you are getting community support. That is so important. Is there anything we can help you with? Please let us know, and please look into getting a better treatment plan with your Dr.

Hugs, Andy
Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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Postby almaciaszek » Aug 20, 2004 3:11 pm

Thanks for the response. This site has been wonderful.
I'm going in for hydration because I didn't think I could tolerate doing it all myself. They came to my home with my last pg, and as soon as she put the IV in, I was hanging over the side of my chair, and couldn't sit up. I think maybe it was a psychological reaction; I have a very weak stomach, and no tolerance for needles or blood. I ended up taking out the IV after a few days. I also had some sort of pump going into my leg, I think for nausea/vomiting -can't remember what it was.

I don't know what TPN or NG is???

I tolerate very little. Some days are a little better than others...a bowl of cheerios, a piece of bread, a couple crackers, ice cream. But on the really horrible days (more often than not), it's a sip of water, a bite of pasta, a bite of mashed potato, and not much else.

I feel like I'm having a really hard time getting across to my Doctor how bad it is. Also, at my 1st appointment, I'd gained 2 lbs. by their records, so I don't think they were too concerned. They also stated it's most important that I stay hydrated, and have plenty of amniotic fluid for the baby, not as important that I'm not eating/throwing up/dry heaving.

I'm looking into the B6/unisom combo (my Dr. didn't think it would help much), I actually posted in another forum some questions, such as where I could find it online.

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Postby Ivydragon » Aug 21, 2004 2:47 am

You can do a search at the top of the page here for TPN and NG tubes. They are both ways that you could receive complete nutrition if need be. You're probably not at a stage where it would be deemed "neccessary", but HGers and their babies cannot live on fluid alone, and within a few weeks you'll need to have this under better control or have a stronger level of attack coming in to keep things going well for you and babe.

I know that somewhere on this site is a log that you can keep ( ... /index.php) , to demonstrate how little you are able to eat or how much you are dry heaving or throwing up. Yeah, it's good to get fluids in, but nausea can be just as detrimental if you cannot get liquids and solids in.

True, B6/Unisom isn't enough to fight HG on its own, so it is often overlooked by DRs, a big shame in my opinion. It's safety rating is very high, and I have lost track of how many HGers I've seen on Zofran alone miserably nauseas do so much better when they add back in lesser drugs to form a drug combination w/ Zofran.

The pump in your leg probably contained Reglan. I can understand a needle phobia. I'm pretty nearly the queen on that one. I find it highly ironic that I hate needles, IVs and blood draws so thoroughly, and recommend them on a regular basis, lol.

I hope this makes sense. It's rather late.

Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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Postby almaciaszek » Aug 22, 2004 2:20 am

I think more Doctors need to be more informed about HG. It really is frustrating they aren't, and trying to be your own advocate when you're so ill, is frustrating, too.

I tried the B6/Unisom for the first time today...I just posted this on another thread, but wanted to repeat it here as well: "...after I took it (probably around 6pm), I felt completely knocked out - anyone else experience this? I crashed, and would drift in and out, and finally had to get up to go to the bathroom, and felt really woozy when walking. I actually don't mind it all that much, as I feel better when sleeping, and time passes while I'm unaware, but just thought I'd mention it..."

I also went to the hospital today for yet more fluids, and found out that they have a standing order for Zofran in my IV - I was happily surprised at my good fortune there. But again, as soon as she started the fluids, I seemed to regress into feeling even worse - that seems to happen to me more often than not when going for fluids, and I don't know if it's purely psychological or what. Of course I hate being there, I want this to end, etc...

Anyhow, after I was finished, I lay there for awhile, and started getting these horrendous cramps in my tummy. They come and go every 5 minutes or so. Excruciating, feels almost like a contraction. This has happened twice before - once in the middle of the night, it woke me up, and another time in the afternoon. After a half hour or so, they'd subside. After I got home today, they hurt so bad, all I could do was cry....why?

One friend suggested gas - no, I've had that, too. Constipation??? That's my guess. There's no bleeding/spotting. It doesn't come from my uterus, just my stomach. I asked my Doc, and she had no input. Anyone experience this, or have any different thoughts? Of course, I'm constipated, with all the Zofran, on top of pregnancy, but usually the cramps ending does not have to do with my going to the bathroom, because I can't! I'm resorting to glycerin supp., and so far, that's not even helping much.

Since I had kidney stones with pg#1, of course that's in the back of my mind, too. I'm actually having pain in my left side as I write - different from the cramps. The only difference is with pg#1, I was never hydrated, or even tested for dehydration, whereas this time, I'm getting hydrated regularly.

Anyhow, I'm aware there is no medical advice to be given, I'm just looking for maybe some personal experience/insight into this.

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Postby Ivydragon » Aug 24, 2004 1:07 pm

Could you ask your Dr. what type of OTC meds available for constipation could be helpful?

FOODMENTS: I know other HGers have been able to tolerate some prune juice or raison bran type cereal to help get more fiber in. I know that those would have been out of the question for me, but every HGer can tolerate different things. Other options I wish I would have tried was dried fruit, but that never occured to me while I was pg.

I think that at times constipation pains can be at different times than leading directly to a bm. I know that constipation often increases HGers' nausea, no fun there.

You can always start a discussion just about constipation if that might get you more answers, and if you are having other strange pains that are of sufficient concern to you, you can always ask your Dr. It's their job to make sure you're ok.

Hugs, Andy
Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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Postby clarissav » Aug 24, 2004 1:13 pm

I also had those cramps -- contraction-like feelings. Mine were definitely constipation. They were so bad I was on the floor of the bathroom crying my eyes out. Zofran and its constipation effects are awful. I now take Colace (stool softener) every day at lunch time. The cramps would go away after I had a BM. I haven't had those cramps since taking the Colace.

Good luck.
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Postby almaciaszek » Aug 24, 2004 2:59 pm

Thank you both for your replies. I happened to see my Doc this a.m.; I was scheduled for a weight check. I happened to gain 1.5 lbs., though I think it's all due to how constipated I am. Anyhow, I did ask her about the constipation, and she suggested the same things - prune juice, dried fruit - nothing foodwise that appealed to me. So I picked up some colace, and hopefully that will help.
On a brighter note, I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! It's hard for me to imagine that if I'm feeling so unbelievably awful, that the baby can be just fine, so it was of great comfort to hear that wonderful swooshing noise. I think I may have to rent one of those machines to keep my paranoia at bay.
Well, I'm going to try the colace, and hope for the best.
Again, this board has been absolutely wonderful.
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Postby kitty_doc » Aug 24, 2004 4:30 pm

Hey, I read your posts and wanted to say that this is my 4th HG pg and the only one in which I took charge and medicated myself to the degree in which I believed it would help and let me tell you it is so different from the others. First of all, in my first two pgs, Zofran was not an option because this was in the late 80's and early 90's. Needless to say, they were horrible pgs. My third pg was in 2001 and I did take Zofran, but that was all and I was sick until 34 weeks and miserable most of the time. This time, I am taking Zantac 75mg twice a day, Vitamin B6 50mg three times a day, Gas-X twice a day, Unisom ONLY at bed because I can't take the drowsiness, (but this really helps me!) and Zofran 8mg once or twice a day depending on the day (took it more frequently during weeks 11-12.5) AND a biggie for me is Senecot-S to prevent constipation. (I don't have what I would call normal BM, but I do go almost every day and while I do have those intestinal cramps, they go away after I go) I have only come close to vomiting once this pg and that was just dry heaves, otherwise, no vomiting and I have eaten and drank every day (although the nausea is unbearable from time to time). I have gained 3 pounds at my 15wk appt. I know that without all these meds I would have been much sicker, vomiting, on the couch etc. I have never gained weight in the first half of pg before either, so that is a victory! I am a HUGE believer in the antacid and Unisom being a very important part of treatment on top of the Zofran and whatever works to keep you from being constipated because that DEFINITELY will make you sicker and contribute to dehydration. See if your doctor will help you with some of these medication suggestions--none of them can hurt you or the baby and they may help you feel better sooner. Best wishes!!
Julie aka Kitty Doc
Rebecca 5/17/88 mod HG 22wks
Jessica 5/24/91 mod HG 18wks
Kathryn 5/2/02 severe HG 34wks
Olivia EDD 2/14/05 mod HG from 7wks to now
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Postby Ivydragon » Aug 26, 2004 12:36 am

Hearing the baby's heartbeat is such a morale boost! It makes it all better for those few minutes. Some gals have rented one of those machines, and when you're laying around so much anyways, it would be a great form of entertainment! lol.

I'm glad we've been helpful, that's why we're here. Let us know how things go. . .

Hugs, Andy
Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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Postby almaciaszek » Aug 31, 2004 2:45 pm

Wanted to give an update, and bug all of you with a few questions as well. I finally consented to having Matria come out and do the home IV thing - it didn't work so well in my last pg, so I was a little hesitant. They have me on 2-3 L./day, dripping pretty much continuously. So I'd say I'm pretty well hydrated. I'm still doing the oral Zofran, because I paid for it, and it's damn expensive, so before going on the pump, which is almost $50/day, I decided to finish out my pharmacy prescription.

I'm at 12 weeks now. Last Thursday, I actually had a decent day! I could walk around, make myself some food, manage with the kids, etc... Thurs. night I also had a mandatory board meeting at my daughter's preschool, but I did pretty well. Towards the end, I started getting antsy, and feeling like I needed to lay down; maybe I was tired and needed to go to sleep. The next day (Fri.), I woke, and was a little worse off, then the next day (Sat.), I could barely move from the bed. Sunday & Monday, I was either in bed or on the couch all day. Today, I woke feeling better - the nurse was scheduled to come out to see me, and I have another board workshop this evening. So I'm wondering, is this partly psychological...the fact that I need to get out to see people, does that affect me? Or is it just that I'm at 12 weeks, almost over the hump? Does this mean I'm going to start having fewer "I want to die" days, and more "this could be manageable" days?

I remember with my son, I had a good day, and I was so excited, "it's over! finally, I can have a life again!", only to wake the next morning, and find out it's back, and just as bad as before.

I know there's no magical number of weeks that this lasts. My husband is really feeling the effects of my not being able to help. He has Crohn's Disease, which leaves him pretty debilitated most of the time. Every day he tells me "I'm going to die". Stress exacerbates his symptoms, so he's in chronic pain continuously, as you can imagine the stress in our house right now!. I feel for him, and wish I could help him, but what can I do when I can't lift my head off the couch.

My best to all of you who are suffering, too. May you get the help you need, and be well soon...

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Postby Ivydragon » Aug 31, 2004 6:29 pm

Hi, thanks for the update. It really sounds like you did too much on your good day, and you always pay for it with bad ones. Try to rest more than you'd like to on your good days so the swing between good and bad is not so extreme. This isn't psychological. It's very typical during HG recovery to have good days in between lots of bad ones. Yes, it means that less "I'm going to die days" are coming, and more, "Yes, maybe I can make it through" days will be a reality. You've been really ill, and the HG doesn't go away and come back, and the energy you put into things is taken away from fighting HG. It's like a fine tuned balance, and where the energy goes is so key to how you feel. You could always start on the Zofran pump now and then save the last of your oral Zofran for when you get off of that pump. . . you might not be on the pump for the rest of your pg, but you can't neccessarily say that about oral Zofran.

Huge hugs and hang in there, 12 -13 weeks should be the worst, and then you're over the peak. So close. Endurance is hard.

Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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