I think depression is setting in

Including Post Partum Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & flashbacks.

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I think depression is setting in

Postby stephensmam » Jun 02, 2004 8:28 am


after trying to stay so positive thins time im starting to sink into a depression im 25 weeks and cant stop crying and i know it could be hormones but its not i went through this before on stephen i was so very depressed before and after having him and ended up on prozac for 3 years im scared thats going to happen again, im feling very lonly and left out paul works all the hours so hes never here i feel like a single mother and im so scared that having one is bad enough how am i going to cope with two on my own i have no family support and paul will never change, i cant wait till this pg is over im so sick of being pg
lots of love and hugs Jacqueline
HG pg no 1 28/04/98 darling son Stephen ivs only,pnd
HG pg no 2 01/09/04 darling daughter Sarah ivs , zofran, steroids, meclizine, b6.http://lilypie.com/Kids_Birthday_code.p ... y_code.php#
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Postby jjbeck » Jun 02, 2004 11:53 am

Hi. I am sorry you are feeling like this. It will get better. I was crying a lot when I was pg with Ava. I know it is easier said than done, but try not to be afraid. When I had severe ppd a few years back, I was was petrified. I think that the extreme fear worsened the depression and anxiety as well as made the cycle a lot longer than it needed to be.
I wish you had more family support and DH was home with you more. Feeling lonely does not help. I can tell you that even with my huge family and wonderful DH, I still felt very lonely during pg and found the support I got from you ladies at HUGS and Kimber, was so therapeutic for me and I strongly feel helped to prevent a reoccurance of ppd. If you need to chat one on one, my IM name is mainiacs97. When I felt the depression and anxiety coming on this time around, chatting with ladies online who knew what I was experiencing helped to keep me from sinking deeper into depression.
Jen 34

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Postby Linablu » Jun 02, 2004 12:10 pm

I know how you are feeling, stephensmom! HG is an isolating disease, for sure! I have my hubby, son, and inlaws here, and yet I still feel lonely. Please don't feel bad about having to take antidepressants! I was hospitalized for a week for severe PPD after my son was born. There are several antidepressants you can take while you are pregnant. My OB when I was pregnant with my son wanted me off the Paxil I had been on for years prior to becoming pregnant. Subsequently, I was told that antidpressants can safely be taken during pregnancy. Trust me, taking them is better than the alternative. I have been on Effexor during my entire pregnancy this time to try to ward off PPD. I don't know if I will be successful, but I cannot go through that again!

If you need to talk, my AIM is linablu07 or you can click on my email address in my profile here!
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Postby stephensmam » Jun 04, 2004 12:41 pm

thank you jen and chrissy,

I was on effexor for a while last year i had a terrible reaction to it then she put me on lustral which she says is ok to take after 12 weeks the problem is im still vomiting a lot and i dont know if i could keep it down im going to talk to the dr next week about it again, thanks for your support
lots of love and hugs Jacqueline
HG pg no 1 28/04/98 darling son Stephen ivs only,pnd
HG pg no 2 01/09/04 darling daughter Sarah ivs , zofran, steroids, meclizine, b6.http://lilypie.com/Kids_Birthday_code.p ... y_code.php#
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Postby jjbeck » Jun 04, 2004 10:12 pm

Hi Jacqueline. Are you having anxiety as well? When I tried effexor I had a reaction to that too....along with several ather ADs. I took zoloft, though I do not hink it worked that great. What did work well was wellbutron. But this time around I took a low dose of Zoloft to try and prevent ppd and took ativan as needed for the anxiety attacks. I think that understanding the anxiety and keeping under control helped to head off ppd. I have not had an attack since birth and have no ppd this time.
I hope you can get your dh to be more supportive. Together you two may be able to possibly prevent ppd from getting too out of control.
Anytime, let me know if I can help. Let me know if you need advise on psych meds.
Feel better soon and take care of yourself.
Jen 34

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Postby sickmama » Jun 05, 2004 12:35 am


I am SO sorry to hear you are feeling down. While I have no medical advice, I hope I can be of some moral support. I remember the depression vividly. For me, even being surrounded by family and friends wouldn't have helped because HG is so isolating in that NOBODY can relate to you. Everyone else's life can go on as normal, they can do other things, think about other things...they are not living in the tunnel of HG. Where as we are stuck in this dark place, they can leave it any time when it gets to be too much.

Just know, and try to visualize the light at the end of this tunnel. The key to fighting depression is to have things to look forward to and appreciate. Never forget why you are doing this, and keep telling yourself that you are an incredibly brave and remarkable woman for being so entirely selfless to bring new life into the world. There is nothing more admirable!!

You have us, we are only a few pecks on the keyboard away. We are here for you!
Karen - HG Survivor
Mother of Miya Laurenza, born June 5, 2003 - severe HG until 16 weeks, then mild HG until delivery
Siena Michaela - due July 16, 2010 - mild HG 5-16 weeks, medically fluffy since then.
Blog: http://hgkaren.blogspot.com



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Postby stephensmam » Jun 05, 2004 5:09 pm

thanks karen and jen,

im ok its just iv more stresses in my life now stephen is playing up and i just feel so worn out and not able to cope with him he just wont go to bed and stay there its 11pm now and hes runing around like a lunitic i keep chasing him into his bed room but he just keeps coming out , so iv all that as well as feel down im just worring about how ill cope with a new baby and stephen , cause i have no help at all
lots of love and hugs Jacqueline
HG pg no 1 28/04/98 darling son Stephen ivs only,pnd
HG pg no 2 01/09/04 darling daughter Sarah ivs , zofran, steroids, meclizine, b6.http://lilypie.com/Kids_Birthday_code.p ... y_code.php#
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Hang in there Jacqueline

Postby jkschiller01 » Jun 23, 2004 4:23 pm

Many of us can identify with the dark days of depression. I'm in my third month postpartum and still struggling with PPD. I wish there was something I could say to make it better, or to make all this pain go away. But I can tell you that you're not alone, this isn't your fault, and it will get better. Take things a moment at a time. I have the tendency to overwhelm myself and this definitely exacerbates my depression. We are here for you and sending lots of love and hugs your way.

Hang in there...
HuGS, Karen
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Postby Linablu » Jun 23, 2004 9:51 pm


Did they ever put you on any meds? I know we spoke via email, and I was wondering if you had tried that avenue yet as it really helped me. Again, if you need to talk or anything, you have my email address, and I've been there and done that as far as PPD.

Take care!
HG baby #1 Jordan Joseph 6/11/99
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