Just curious...has anyone gotten through hg with no meds?

A place to discuss all things treatment-related. Medications, IVs, midlines, PICC lines, NG tubes, sub-q pumps, home health care, etc. Also includes alternative and homeopathic remedies including NAET, vitamins, liver detoxing, and more for active HG and TTC preparation.

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Just curious...has anyone gotten through hg with no meds?

Postby Deevums » Dec 28, 2004 7:36 pm

I'm on my second pregnancy, 7 weeks, and have hg now and did last time for the first 4 months. I was on IV's last time, the whole four months and wanted to die. This time i don't want iv's but was wondering if it is possible to get through hg with no help..no meds, nothing. or is that just stupid? just wondering.
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Postby meg » Dec 28, 2004 10:52 pm

Someone brought up a similar question somewhat recently, I think it was in the meds folder. I can't remember who started the thread but she wanted to know if anyone had gotten by with hydration (via iv) only, no meds. I read in your other post how much you don't want to have an iv, but there may be some thoughts that would helpful to you in the replies.

For my own two cents, I think it probably depends on the severity of case of hg whether or not it is a reasonable idea to avoid meds and/or hydration but I find it doubtful that you could do well without either.

Good luck! I hope you get some useful information.

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I did it but would not reccomend it

Postby Abby » Jan 10, 2005 2:56 am

During my pregnancy, I had really awful side-effects to all of the medications and could not take any. But I was very debilitated! There was really no relief. I did have IV hydration until my 7th month... I have known other women who didn't take medication, but it is miserable! I did have acupuncture, and it helped somewhat after my 20th week.

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NO IVs and NO DRUGS In My First Pregnancy

Postby adelmaal » Feb 09, 2005 7:46 pm

I wouldn't do it over again that way but I got through my first and worst pregnancy un-medicated and without IVs. I think that's only because neither myself nor my doctor ever realized how dehydrated I probably was from all my vomiting.

It was my first pregnancy and I was clueless as to HG and normal morning sickness. I had no energy, I could barely lift my head, I lost around 9% of my body weight (went from 105 pounds to 95 pounds), I threw up all day (not at night once I went to sleep though) everyday for the first 24 weeks and then once or twice a day for the remainder of the pregnancy. I had all the signs of HG.

I started throwing up at 6 weeks to the day. I threw up at least 5 times a day and more like 15 times a day at the worst of it. I was unable to hold anything down but I pretty much force fed myself kool-aid and pretzels regardless the whole way through. Everytime I threw up I would drink a glass of kool-aid or suck down a popsicle just so I wouldn't throw up bile or dry heave the next time. Those two forms of liquid were tolerable coming back up.

My doctor did take me off on disability for 3 or 4 months so I could stay at home and rest lots. I also did not have any other children to care for as it was my first. I never could have gotten through it with other children or having to work.

Amazingly enough, I was never admitted for IV hydration. Probably because I never asked to be and my doctor didn't really push me to take drugs. She offered Compazine but never referred to HG and I didn't want the drugs to hurt my baby so I stuck it out. She just said don't take your prenatals, stay in bed and ride it out with as much fluids as you can.

I don't recommend this course to anyone though! It was drama and my skin did truly turn a green hue through it all. I spent months in bed unable to leave the house. I probably should have been hospitalized more than once but it was my first pregnancy and I just kept hearing that I had bad morning sickness and I would survive. I believe I was dehydrated and starving but I can't remember the color of my urine as it was 10 years ago and I didn't even know to check ketones at that time.

I have since taken Phenergan in my last pregnancy and in this one as well and it has done wonders for me. I never wanted to endure that hell again. I am ashamed to say I hated my baby while I went through it and I really had a hard time with PPD after delivery. I don't know how I survived my first battle with HG but these last two pregnancies have been night and day better. Not perfect and not by any means free of vomiting and nausea but tolerable.

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Postby Christi » Mar 16, 2005 5:25 pm

I survived the first pregnancy with IV's and lots of bed rest. When I was in my second trimeter, my hair started to fall out. I dont mean the normal pregnant shedding, I truly had bald spots. I pointed it out to my doctor and she checked my teeth (they were loose). I was suffering from malnutition and my body was booting out all the stuff it didnt need like my hair and my teeth. I have early onset arthritis and a begining level of osteoparosis (sp?).
Please reconsider skipping meds. I know this was posted a while back, but I have to tell yout that I aged my body 10 years during that pregnancy. I was advised to never have children again, and do I listen? NO! :wink: I found a doctor who can treat HG and hold my hand! I am now working on sprout #3 and so far so good. I am on Zofran and Unisom with B-6 and Ginger for nausea...
I will pray that you can get through your pregnancy the best way you know how...and healthy. I think that is all any of us can do!
Good Luck!
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Postby tryingtobebrave » Apr 26, 2005 10:50 pm

Please don't try it. I have had 2 HG pregnancies. I was young and had no insurance with the first. I was only treated when I went to the hospital with the first. I went from 120 to 95 lbs before I got really sick and lost the baby. That pregnancy compromised my health and my emotional well being. It took me years to recover physically and emotionally from it. The scars are still there. My second pregnancy was soo hard. I had HG as badly as the first, but was treated intensively. The difference? I lost only 15 lbs, which I quickly regained after about 25 wks, I had no lasting side effects, and I have a beautiful healthy baby boy who was born on Mother's Day last year. I am on this website, looking for more treatments, alternatives and preemptive approaches...but if they don't work and I get HG again, you can bet I will go through all the IV's, PICCS, feedings, Zofran, Reglan, Zantac and whatever else is offered to me until we find some combination that just makes me ok. (Then, no more babies!)
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