From the Bottom of my Heart

The HER foundation contributed letters from our forums members for a show that featured Hyperemesis as a topic. The show aired in April of 2007.

Moderator: annmarie

From the Bottom of my Heart

Postby tlm5999 » Feb 27, 2007 6:13 pm

Dear Dr. Phill and staff,

I cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for bringing a voice to those of us that suffer so greatly from Hyperemesis Gravidarium.

It is a disease that takes the most precious of times in our lives and turns it into a living nightmare. My husband and I were so thrilled to find out that we were having our first child, one that we hoped would be followed by four or five more. We wanted a big family and both love children. Within two days our dream came crumbling down. I couldn't eat or drink anything and was vomitting bile close to 20 times a day. I called my OB repeatedly pleading with the nurses that this wasn't normal morning sickness. I was told that "This is your first baby and being sick is just part of pregnancy." No one listened. A couple weeks later I started shaking so violently from a hypoglycemic attack that I couldn't breathe, and my husband call an ambulance. I received glucose and fluids after multiple tries for an IV, because I was so dehydrated they couldn't find a vein. Even after this trip to the ER I still heard the same nonsense from the nurses.

On my third trip to the ER, my OB happened to be at the hospital and came to see me. Only then did he diagnose me and still the only medication he gave me was a suppository that caused incredible pain and irritation and cramping. I found out after my second pregnancy that I was having an allergic reaction to the medication. I went in for IV fluids repeatedly. I had lost 25 lbs, 1/6th of my total wieght. The HG lasted until 6.5 months and I delivered our son a month early at one pound less than I started the pregnancy.

With our second son, we had the same OB and the same treatment and again lost 25 lbs. We are currently expecting again. This child will be our last as this time pregnancy has become life threatening. We have a new Dr. which is great because this pregnancy has been the worst so far. I am getting better treatment though. With this pregnancy I had a central line placed so that I could get daily fluids. Unfortunately I developed a clot in my arm that is threatening my life and the line had to be pulled. Now I'm on blood thinner shots twice a day until six weeks post partum. I have two pumps going into my abdomen that give me Zofran and Reglan. These leave welts and sores at every site and it is moved almost daily. It is painful but it allows me to eat and drink. The nausea is still always there, as is the weakness and depression. I'm 25 yrs old and walk like I'm 90 because I can't stand up straight because of the pain and weakness. But I am thankful that I have my wonderful husband that helps me through every day. And I'm hopeful that it won't last as long this time around.

I would love to be at the show, but as I'm currently suffering through this, I cannot make it. I hope that someone seeing this show will find some hope in the fact that they are not alone. And I hope the others that see it will get a glimpse of what we are going through and will be more supportive.

Thank you again,
Tracy Conley
HER Foundation Member
3-Time HG Survivor
Valin 05-15-03 HG
Liam 11-19-04 HG
Anna-Marie 9-3-06 Lost an angel
Jonathan Declan 12/28/06 Lost a twin
Declan James 8-8-07 HG
Joseph 6-4-09 non-HG
Opinionated HGer
Posts: 671
Joined: Aug 04, 2006 8:33 am
Location: Topeka, KS, USA

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