Grrr, NHS not improved much yet!!! (vent!)

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Grrr, NHS not improved much yet!!! (vent!)

Postby Xphile_mo » Aug 14, 2007 6:45 am

I didn't really know where to post this as I feel it's a cracker, but it wasn't me who was crackered - but it's going to be a vent!!! :evil:

Have just been informed by my MIL that a woman she works with has just been diagnosed with HG (whch is a step forward here considering I only knew because I was in the states when it first hit me and went the entire preg not having it named once!). She's 10 weeks preg and just been released from the hosp after IV and meds etc .......

but had to fight with them to get to take the meds home!!!!! :shock: :roll: :shock: When are they going to learn that we NEED them - we don't take them for nothing! There are not many preg women who take medication lightly - and can't imagine that there are ANY who take it for nothing!

I say good for her for being strong enough to fight with them at 10 weeks - I didn't learn to fight back until I was past the 20 weeks stage and I wish I'd been strong enough to. Would have made my preg an awful lot less stressful! I have asked my MIL to pass on HER's website so she should hopefully be joining soon, but will offer my e-mail address etc too in case she needs extra support. I know she's going to need it if she lives here!!! (sigh!) :roll:

Oh well, vent over - just wish they'd pay attention and stop confusing the lines between MS and HG! I know you're all with me on that one!
Moira x x x

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Postby HelenA » Aug 22, 2007 5:53 am

Well that just sucks, and I can't believe I am about to say this, but it might not be the NHS as such, but the particular staff on duty. When I was admitted with Kimi my treatment was abysmal, but when I went in this time to a different hospital (still NHS) I was given everything I wanted and they gave me a weeks supply to take home and then said to get a repeat prescription from my dr when it ran out, and had no problems getting it.

I have had so many grievances with the NHS over the course of my pregnancies, but now I'm beginning to wonder whether it's set places rather than the NHS in general. My care this time has been outstanding (aside from a slight slip by one midwife but that's not hospital related).

I am glad that she got the care in the end, and that she fought, I don't think I had it in me at 10 weeks to fight a fly, let alone anyone else. Is there any chance she could switch hospitals or dr's?
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Postby Xphile_mo » Aug 22, 2007 11:33 am

Think you might be right actually - when I think about it, I attended the same hospital. Although the M/W's I saw each time throughout my preg were useless (and different EVERY time!), any time I was actually IN the hospital, they were briliant! So were the docs in charge, so guess it's more to do with the staff that are on at the time and your luck of the draw.

The only hospital here is the one she's attending, it covers quite a wide area round here so she'd have to travel for a lot of miles to use another one. Plus, they're building another ... but it'll still cover the same area and REPLACE the current one! So we'll still only have one, we'll just have to travel further to get to it!! :shock: :roll: :shock:

I agree with being able to fight at 10 weeks, I couldn't do it then either - am well impressed she managed to get her say and demand the meds. Think she's doing not too badly at the moment, though have asked my MIL to pass on the HER info anyway. Doesn't help to be TOO prepared with HG.

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Postby HelenA » Aug 28, 2007 1:30 am

I'm glad she's not doing too badly now, and I agree, she needs every iota of info she can get her hands on when dealing with HG. Do let us know how she's getting on.
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