Poll - when did your labor start?

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Moderators: RebeccaM, justme

When did your labor start?

During the day
During the evening
During the night
Total votes : 19

Poll - when did your labor start?

Postby Beth B » Sep 11, 2005 10:05 am

I tried to post this earlier and it doesn't seem to have worked, so let's try again! :-)

As I sit here waiting to go into labor with Thomas, I'm wondering if there's a time of day when people are more likely to have their labors start. Mine started just after midnight with William, and I'm hoping for this one to be in the evening or at night as well - less traffic on the roads, easy parking at the hospital, John will already be home. Also, does anyone have any good labor stories, like your water breaking when you were away from home? I have a friend, a first grade teacher, whose water broke while she was working with a reading group at school; luckily I was just home, in bed, trying to fall asleep.

Mom to 2 HG babies:
William 12/02
Thomas 9/05
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Postby Beth B » Sep 11, 2005 10:52 am

I forgot to add that you should vote once for each child you have. :-)

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William 12/02
Thomas 9/05
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Postby Proudmama » Sep 11, 2005 10:59 am

My labor started after I had gotten home from working an evening shift. I got home at midnight and went to bed. I woke up around 3:00 am and went to the bathroom. I just got back into bed when I felt like I was using the bathroom again. I waddled to the bathroom (leaving little drips on the carpet :lol: ). My water had broken. My parents were out visiting the weekend before and my mom decided to stay. She had a feeling the baby would come early (he was 1 week early). I waddled down the hallway (upon the insistence of my in shock DH) and woke her up. I asked her what it meant that I felt like I just went to the bathroom all over myself and she well looked like this :shock: . She jumped up, ran to the kitchen and started breakfast :lol: . DH called the doula and Doctor and I got my shower. Then it was off to have my pride and joy :D .

Side note: My story is very similar to my moms when she had me. Her water broke at night as well.
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Postby HelenA » Sep 11, 2005 11:04 am

I voted for during the night as although my waters broke at 9pm (and continued for an hour after that), my labour didn't start properly until 1am, I'd had mild contractions around 11pm but they really hit just as I got to the hospital, and were 1½ mins apart.
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Postby PamelaRose » Sep 11, 2005 11:46 am

I only went into labor on my own with Brody, and while I suppose the contractions technically started overnight, I didn't notice anything until I woke up at 6 a.m. with terrible "gas pains." I waddled to the bathroom and mentally scolded myself for eating whatever it was that had caused the pain. Then I tried to sleep again. I finally woke up and got going with my day, and as I sat down with my bowl of cereal, I realized that the "gas pains" were coming and going rather rhythmically--and then I discovered they were 9 minutes apart! He was finally born at noon the NEXT day, so there was no need to hurry through breakfast like I did! :lol:

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Postby dwtegli » Sep 12, 2005 10:57 am

With Tatyana, it was off and on for 4 weeks, before they finally took me off the medication, then I was in labor all weekend, and finally went in on Monday morning and she was born that evening. She was 2 weeks and one day early.

With Cassidy I was in labor for over a week, regular contractions and all. The doc checked me on Friday and told me that he did not think I would make it through the weekend, but he scheduled me to be induced on Monday if I didn't have her over the weekend. I started having extremely painful contractions about 4:00 am Monday morning and she was born Monday before noon. She was exactly three weeks early.

Colton I was in labor off and on for I think a month. I went in the night before he was born, and they told me he wasn't engaged, but I was dilated to four. They didn't want to break my water for fear the cord would move down and get pinched when he did engage, so they sent me home. He was born the next day at around 12:51 pm. He was three and a half week early.

I have never had a pregnancy that lasted 40 weeks. I knew Colton would be early, so I always counted to 37 weeks as being the end..
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Postby BrandiJK » Sep 12, 2005 11:54 am

With first, I started going into labor at 2am. Labor would not progress on it's own, and the nurses strike was scheduled (and did) to start about an hour after I arrived at the hospital. So they kept me and induced it to progression as they were afraid it would progress on it's own while he strike was in force and I would not be able to get a room. (By the way, labor with no nurses is really not a great experiance LOL) First contraction, 2am. 5 minutes apart for 3 hours, then dwindeled to not much until potison drip began. DD was born at 1:45am the following morning. I should add, 13 babies were born that night before my labor made any progress. I was, indeed, lucky to have a room.

Second labor was started by the gell insert. They were sure one would not do much, and even scheduled me for a second 2 days later. They sent me home, telling me that I should expect mild to heavy cramping. Getting to the car was hard, and driving home in traffic was even harder. Some guys did not like my bumper stickers (political) and kept getting in front of me and slamming on the breaks and flipping me off. I arrived home in tears and told dh (then partner) that the cramps were bad and next time he needed to drive me. I also told him about my experiance getting home, and he sent me to bed to rest, as on top of it all, I had a cold/flu. I could not rest, and kept telling him the cramping hurt. He sat with me for a long time, asking me to call the hospital. After a few hours, the cramping was *very* bad. I was litteraly crawling around on the floor screaming. Dh kept begging me to call the docs, and I would yell at him that it wasn't labor. LOL poor guy, he had NO idea what to do with me, and it was his first baby so he didn't know if this was normal or not. But I was instisitant. My first labor was 24 greuling hours, and I had so many false starts I was sure this wasn't real. After a bit longer, he went ahead and called. The nurse could hear me screaming while on the phone with Dh and demanded to talk to me. She asked, "chin, nose, or forehead?" I was clueless, and started to ask what she meant...I recall her saying something about the way my tumy felt, when the next contraction rolled over me and I dropped the phone to scream some more. Then I realized what she was saying, and felt my belly. I have a faint memory of feeling my belly then my nose, chin, and forehead, and then yelling out "FORE HEAD!! TELL HER FORE HEAD!!!" LOL Dh, poor guy, was still clueless and thought I was loosing it. I watched the color drain from his face and he repeated what I said, then watched him turn green as he took directions from the nurse. He hung up, and MADE me get in the car (with me fighting I am sure it was not easy), to begin the drive to the hospital. Apparently, the nurse told him to get me there ASAP, and they were waiting out front with a wheel chair to pick me up.

Less then one hour and 3 pushes later, second DD came into the world. LOL I am glad he listened to that nurse, and has informed me that this time he will not listen to me, no matter how instant I am.
Second labor, first contraction was at 3:10pm. DD was born at 9:15pm. Apparently it began as back labor. The nurses I had were angels, one sat with me and would not leave me side that last hour. I see her in my mind as draped in a white glow, she truely was that amazing to me. But when I got there, they could no get me to lie down, I kept crawlin gon the bed. Water broke just as I lay down, and that helped the pain.
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Postby mommy_bug2 » Sep 12, 2005 9:27 pm

With my first it was rather late at night 2am or so. And with my second about 7am. With me I have to be sure my bags are pre-packed and plans are already made for the kids.... I don't have time to dawdle on the drive to the hospital. My first labor was 5 1/2 hours and my second was 5 hours flat. I was already dialated to 6 both times. Almost scares me with this one, because if the trend continues, well, that's fast.

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Postby Guest » Sep 12, 2005 9:39 pm

I chose during the day. With my first daughter - my labor started early in the morning but I didnt know it at the time. I remember my back hurting really bad and feeling "weird". I went to church and sat in the back row by myself - I usually had to make several trips to the bathroom during service :D . At the end of the service, I went up to the front where my family was sitting and told my mother how bad I felt and that Id been having a lot of contractions. She asked how far apart they were and I told her "about 15 minutes". Mom told me to get my things and we'd go to the hospital to get checked. I had horrible braxton-hicks contractions since month 4 so I hadnt been too concerned. When the nurse checked me at the hospital I was already 3 centimeters and just as she was walking out of the room, my water broke. Livie was born about 6 hours later. My youngest came at 28 weeks by emergency c-section but I went into premature labor with her 4 times before her birth - all at about 4pm...

Postby Trudy » Sep 12, 2005 10:09 pm

I think I woke up about 1:30am and aftera while I realised I was having contractions every 15 mins. They continued like that until the same time the following night when they went to 5 mins apart so went to the hospital. Beth was born by emc at 9:50pm after 43 hrs.

I'm looking forward to this one. Another c-section so should be no labour and over and done with quickly.


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